The Surat Medical Consultants’ Association
- To make progress in scientific knowledge in the field of Medicine.
- Arrange CME programmes in each faculty of Medicine to impart and update knowledge.
- To publish News Bulletins to update knowledge in the respective fields of medicine.
- To institute oration, lectures, rotating lectureship awards, medals in all respective faculties of medicine.
- To protect the rights and privileges of the members of the Association.
- To develop fraternity and strengthen solidarity amongst all members of the association.
- To reach out to the society & common man in general by way of donation or charity programme.
- To help the Government and Local Authorities in controlling the spread of Epidemics & in the time of Natural Disasters.
All the doctors of Modern (Allopathic) Medicine, having MCI / State Medical Council recognized post graduate degree after MBBS are eligible to be a Member of the Association. Post MBBS Diploma holder and those with DNB degree will also be eligible for the Membership. Henceforth, Dental post graduates will not be counted for the Membership. The Eligible Member of the Association should be residing or practicing in the city of Surat.
Post Graduate Qualified Doctors desirous to become member of the Association will have to apply in the prescribed Form for Membership. This will have to be supported by two life Members of the Association along with prevailing life membership fees (Non Refundable and Non Transferable) and proof of qualifications and the locality of Practice / Residence and Registration with the Medical Council of India or State Medical Council. One recent passport size photograph is mandatory with the application. All applications will be scrutinized in the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association for approval.
The applicant will become Life member only after the approval of the Executive committee of the Association. Any dispute regarding any matter of association shall be settled in the Surat city jurisdiction.
All registered life members will be eligible to participate in all the activities of the Association. They will have voting right to elect the Executive Committee members and the Office bearers of the Association during election and right to vote in any General Body Meeting of the Association. To become eligible to vote in the election in January/February, the member has to acquire membership before 31st December of the previous year.
The life members can make suggestions to improve the function of the Association. Life members may suggest any change/addition to the Constitution. The members must submit their suggestions before 31 January to Hon. Secretary for consideration in the next Annual General Body Meeting.
A member can resign from his membership at any time of his choice after completing the dues of the association.
A Member shall observe high standards of Medical Ethics and Behavior, so that the objectives, the good name, dignity and traditions of SMCA are maintained.
The register of the life members will be kept with the Secretary of the Association and can be inspected by any life member of the Association.
Membership shall be terminated
- If his or her name is removed from the Registry of the Medical Council of India or State Medical Council.
- If it appears to The EC Committee that the member has committed financial fraud or derogatory conduct against SMCA.
A Notice shall be given to that member/members to show cause why the membership should not be suspended, until the next GBM.
This will consist of
- The President
- President Elect (Vice President)
- Hon. Secretary
- Immediate Past President (IPP)
- Hon. Joint Secretary
- Hon.Treasurer
- Hon. Joint Treasurer
- Ten EC Members of the Association. The Post of EC Members can be increased if the Membership crosses 1000 then in the ratio of 1 per 100 new Members.
Posts (a) to (g) shall be designated as office bearers. Post (h) shall be designated as Executive Committee Member. The President will have privilege to select 3 Past Presidents as Advisors.
If required, Posts of Scientific Committee and News Bulletin Committee (Co-opted members)
may be created in the first E.C. meeting. Looking to the need of the time, Legal Cell should be created for a longer period .
The Executive Committee can appoint special committee/s for special purpose/s. The Co-opted members and Special Committee members will not have power of voting.
Henceforth, Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) shall be adopted while New President & his Team takes over for the new term.
- Only life members of the association will be eligible to contest and are eligible to vote.
- The President: There will be no election of the President. The President Elect will be elevated as the President.
- President Elect: Must have been a member of the Association for at least SIX years, must have worked for at least 2 years as the E.C. Member and 2 year as the office bearer. He will be elevated as the President for the next year.
- Hon. Secretary: Must have worked as E.C. member for at least 2 years.
- Hon. Joint Secretary: Must have worked as E.C. member for at least 2 years.
- Hon. Treasurer: Must have worked for at least 2 years as the E.C. Member.
- Hon. Joint Treasurer: Must have worked for at least 2 years as the E.C. Member.
- Executive Committee Members: Must be a life member for at least TWO full years.
- Special Note: The post of the President and President Elect will be for 1 year. Hon. Secretary and Hon Treasurer shall be for 2 years. If the President wishes to re contest for the post of “President Elect”, he will be allowed only after completion of 7 years after he relinquishes the post of the President.
- The Hon. Secretary will announce the programme of the election to all the members either through a separate letter or through News Bulletin at least 4 weeks before the date of Election. Election notice will have to be given at least 2 weeks before the date of the election.
- The Current year IPP shall function as Election Commissioner. The Election Committee will consist of Election Commissioner and at least 2 Past Presidents (Selected by Election Commissioner).
- A Member can file nomination for any number of posts for which he is eligible but can contest for only one post and other nominations have to be withdrawn before the last date of withdrawal.
- Applicant will have to submit his candidature in a prescribed form with the name and the signature of the Proposer and Seconder along with prevailing fees. Both of them must be life members. Applicant will have to consent to work in the Executive committee. The financial dues of the Candidate, the Proposer and the Seconder with the Association, if any should be cleared before the date of nomination. Election will be done by Ballot / E Voting.
- A Member can propose or second as per the number of available posts.
In case of dispute an appeal should be filed with the Election Commissioner and his/her decision shall be final.
If for any reason the President Elect is unable to become President, in that case the post of the President will be done by Election.
- If for any reason the post of the President falls vacant during the year, the President Elect shall function as the President for the year. However, if both the posts of the President and President Elect fall vacant, the E.C. members shall elect any one of the Past Presidents of the Association to function as the President for the remaining part of the year. Any disputes shall be settled in the Surat City jurisdiction.
- The New President and His team will be installed at the Installation Ceremony.
- The New E.C. team shall function after the Installation Ceremony of the New President.
- The office tenure of the New EC shall be counted from 1st April to 31 March next.
- To declare the Election before 15th January & the Election process should commence from 3rd week of January & get completed by the last week of February.
- To call Annual General body Meeting (AGM) once in a year and Special / Extraordinary General Body Meeting & Requisition Meeting as and when required.
- The Hon.Treasurer shall keep, scrutinize and prepare the accounts of the association for auditing by an auditor(CA) and the audited report shall be presented by him in EC, AGM & during Installation Ceremony. It will also be communicated to the members through electronic or print media.
- The Hon.Secretary shall prepare annual report of the association which will be presented in EC, AGM & during Installation Ceremony. It will also be communicated to the members through electronic or print media.
- To approve life membership of newly applied applicants and declare their names in EC meeting and Total numbers in AGM.
- To decide the terms and conditions of donation if any received.
- To decide the academic and nonacademic programmes and CMES during the year. It can also decide if the association can host any conference.
- To interact with the authorities if required for protecting the rights of the members and also to participate in activities of social advantage to the society at large.
- To propose rules and amendments to the existing Constitution for the consideration of the General Body Meeting (GBM).
- Generally to act in all matters in relation to the affairs of the association not specifically provided for.
- All matters before the EC and General Body Meeting (GBM) will be decided by a simple majority of votes except that in (j). In the event of tie, the President can cast his extra vote.
AGM will be held every year in the last quarter of the tenure. The Hon secretary will issue a notice (either by electronic or print media) to this effect. This notice should be issued at least 30 days before the AGM. It shall contain full agenda to be discussed.
50 members shall form the quorum. If sufficient quorum is not present, the meeting will adjourn for 30 minutes and thereafter a non-quorum meeting shall be called in. The non-quorum meeting shall discuss only those agenda which is notified.
The President of the Association shall preside over the GBM. In his absence the President Elect shall preside. If both are absent, the members present shall elect a senior member to preside over the meeting. However, on arrival of the President or President Elect, they will take over the chair.
All matters at the GBM shall be decided by simple majority of votes. However, to pass New Rules or Amendments will require 2/3 majority votes of those present and voting at the meeting.
Life Membership fees will go to corpus fund. The corpus fund cannot be withdrawn for any purpose. During every tenure, the EC will have the rights to utilize the income of interest earned during that particular year.
- The President can execute an Extra-Ordinary GBM by 24 hours notice in advance in case of Emergency Situations.
- The President must convey a requisition meeting of the association if at least 50 members so desire in writing, giving the agenda to be discussed at such a meeting. At such a meeting no other business except that notified shall be transacted. At least 15 days notice must be given to convene the requisition meeting. The time and venue of the requisition meeting must be notified.